Parameter name | Parameter value | |||||||||||||||||||
The material to be crushed is loaded from above into the feed hopper (chamber); then it enters the crushing chamber with a cutting mechanism. The cutting mechanism captures the shredded material with disc knives, independently draws it in, crushes and feeds it into the device for final granules unloading. The device should be of sufficient size to allow complete discharge of final granules.
The shredder is controlled from the panel of the control board.
The electrical cabinet and controller provides:
- Forced activation of reverse through a button in a manual mode,
- Automatic switching on and off of the reverse with set periods of time and cyclic repetitions,
- Automatic shutdown of the machine at the end of shredding,
- Emergency shutdown with an automatic signal,
- Emergency stop button on the panel.
The combined action of the shredder with other equipment is possible.
In order to ensure compactness and maximum torque, the feed chamber and the gear motor are made as a single unit; the combined double-reduction wormgear unit is rigidly connected to the shafts.
The cutting mechanism consists of two rotating shafts with specially shaped disc knives. The knives are made of high strength steel and hardened.
The shredder design includes:
- - Feed hopper
- - Housing with a cutting mechanism (crushing chamber)
- - Installation base (frame, table, cabinet)
- - Electrical control cabinet, control board
The feed hopper can be made open, closed or built into the common cabinet. The hopper material: steel, stainless steel.
The cutting mechanism consists of knives made of alloy steel of various grades with subsequent heat treatment, ground and assembled on shafts with a minimum gap of up to 0.1 mm. In order to ensure compactness and maximum torque, the feed chamber and the gear motor are made as a single unit; the combined double-reduction wormgear unit is rigidly connected to the shafts.
The drive unit for shaft rotation includes: three-phase motor, worm gearbox and spur gearbox in the same housing with the cutting mechanism.
The cabinet and the control board can be built-in or separately located.
The customer can choose the power of the geared motor, the diameter and thickness of the knives, the control system, the feed chamber dimensions, the receiving hopper design and volume, installation on a table or frame. The shredder can be equipped with a receiving container. The plant will perform the order as soon as possible.
The shredder housing and the feed hopper can be made of powder coated steel, stainless steel, aluminum alloys.
Warranty period: 12 months
Service life: 15 years
Completing units: shredder, equipment certificate.
Consumables available for ordering:
knives and parts according to the catalogue
Compliance with:
- TR CU 004/2011 "On the safety of low-voltage equipment", approved by Decision No. 768of the Customs Union Commission dated August 16, 2011
- TR CU 010/2011 "On the safety of machinery and equipment", approved by Decision No. 823of the Customs Union Commission dated October 18, 2011
- TR CU 020/2011 "Electromagnetic compatibility of technical means", approved by Decision No. 879of the Customs Union Commission dated December 09, 2011
The machine should not be used for grinding stones, metal parts, explosive and flammable substances, too long materials protruding from the hopper edge, or materials with a large amount of abrasive (sand, glass).
The universal shredding machine is electromechanically driven equipment.
Operating conditions and placement category are as follows: climatic conditions УХЛ4 (UHL4) in accordance with GOST 15150-69.
The shredder should not be used for work with radioactive and explosion-hazardous materials.
Types of work performed