Rectifier units are used in industry to supply direct current to electrolysis plants, galvanic baths, i.e. in an environment with high humidity.
Coating processes on the surface of metal products are associated with the course of electrochemical and chemical reactions.
All these operations are accompanied by the release of various pollutants into the air of the room and into the atmosphere. Solutions of cyanide salts, chromic and nitric acids, etc. are particularly toxic. This affects the service life of the equipment located in such premises.
Earlier, we upgraded the control unit by placing it in an IP54 enclosure for all standard rectifiers.
Today we offer our customers special design rectifiers in stainless steel housing.
The stainless steel case has a high resistance to corrosion, to a humid environment and sudden temperature changes, resistance to mechanical damage and aggressive agents, which is especially important for this type of equipment, which is operated in such conditions.